

2014年12月28日10:39        手机看新闻



关键词:太空游,网上购物利弊,科研学术造假,科技奴隶(kitchen rage, be addicted to the smart mobile phone)


When the hot word of the year——“innovation” arouses wide concern from the public, can we still stand there, hesitating for what occurs? As we can see from the depiction, four youngsters, seemingly having a dinner, are in fact concentrated on their smart phones. Actually, it is a morning call to send us a message that the topic concerning “high-tech burden” has been in the spotlight that attracts attention from every corner of the world.

But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of electronic trashes than it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in communication even of well-educated youths. We scarcely write a handwritten letter other than an E-mail, which displays fewer touching emotions than the script, for example. Several factors could weigh heavily for this degeneration, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects. To begin with, as the economic boom brings not only the high standard of modernization but the fast rhythm of living as well, many citizens could hardly keep cool when facing the relentless competition. Disastrously, many choose to abandon themselves to so-called high-tech pleasure so that they can escape from reality for a while. Furthermore, externally, our society is witnessing an overwhelming number of innovative goods, ranging from Iphone5s to all-powerful TV remotes, which exaggerate this kind of nonsense to produce the over-worship toward “High-tech”. A recent survey reveals that one in three college students in China thinks he is willing to spend RMB5880 buying an Iphone rather than study materials.

Fortunately, that is not the Day of Judgment. It is, undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to end these inappropriate behaviors, including laying down the effective regulations to modulate the orientation of scientific advancement, shaping a moderate science outlook and guaranteeing more rational lifestyles to the high-tech.




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