
Section I Use of English
1、【答案】[B] resolve
【解析】此處考察詞義辨析。首段首句以問句形式提出文章中心:人們瀏覽網絡負面評論信息以及做一些明顯令人痛苦的事情的原因。第二句給出原因:因為人們內心裡有一種____(生活中的)不確定因素或不安的需求,空格處所需的動詞需要和后面的賓語uncertainty構成語義搭配。B選項resolve (解決、消除)符合語義要求﹔A選項protect(保護),C選項discuss(討論),D選項ignore(忽略)帶入空格后,語義不通順,均排除。故正確答案為B選項resolve。
2、【答案】[D] seek
3、【答案】[A] hurt
【解析】此處考察詞義辨析。空格所在句指出:這項新研究表明,這種求知需求如此強烈以至於人們尋找答案來滿足他們的好奇心即使答案明顯_____. 本句中的even when(即使)構成了前后的對立關系,因此空格處所填入的詞需和前面的感情色彩詞“strong”及語義構成對立,隻有A選項hurt(令人痛苦)符合要求﹔另外此處的it is clear that the answer will hurt 也和第一句中的that will obviously be painful 構成了近義復現。故A選項為正確答案。
4、【答案】[D] expose
【解析】此處考察固定短語。空格所在處,構成了___oneself to sth結構,隻有D選項expose符合要求(使某人暴露在……中),故D選項expose為正確答案。
5、【答案】[C] trail
【解析】此處考察詞義辨析。本段段首提到“a series of four experiments”,空格所在句給出其中一個實驗的信息,隻有C選項trail與experiment語義相近,故正確答案為C選項trail。
【解析】此處考察上下文信息對應以及動賓搭配問題。上文指出:For one trial, each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. 在一個試驗中,研究人員給每位受試者一堆筆並聲稱其源於先前的實驗。這是實驗的背景。下文具體實驗展開,Half of the pens would… an electric shock when clicked. 有一半的比在按下的時候會使使人觸電。所以比對選項,要選擇deliver ,發出,遞送。因此選擇 D. deliver
【解析】此處考察上下文句間的邏輯關系。空前空后是狀語的關系。上文講的是Twenty-seven students were told which pens were rigged; another 27 were told only…研究人員告知了27名受試學生哪些筆是內有玄機,而另外27名學生隻知道有些筆是帶電的。下文就是具體的發生的實驗狀態了。當他們獨自在房裡時, … 而不是條件if, unless或者 轉折關系。因此選擇A。
【解析】此處考察上下語境下的句內動詞關系。根據上文的實驗背景,試驗中27個人知道哪些筆是內有玄機,而另外27名學生隻知道有些筆是帶電的。下面的告知了實驗的結論 :當他們獨自在房裡時,那些不知哪些筆帶電的學生按下了更多的筆頭,比這些受試者多,后面是定語,顯然這些受試者是隻上文被告知的人,所以這些人知道the students who knew what would happen,強調結果性。所以選擇B. happen
9、【答案】【D】such as
【解析】此處考察句間的邏輯關系。上文在之后其他刺激因素的實驗中, 后文講到具體的實驗:指甲刮黑板的聲音和令人生厭的昆虫圖片 顯然這裡需要例証關系,故選擇D.such as
【解析】此處考察上下文的信息對應和句內信息對應。這是個中心復現詞,文章開篇提出:The human drive to resolve uncertainty is so strong …人們對於尋找答案以消除不確定因素總是樂此不疲.再根據上文的實驗,都表示這是一種discover的需求,越是不確定的,越好奇。故選擇A. discover
11、【答案】[D] food
【解析】此處考察同義復現。這個空出現在卡內基梅隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)的觀點中,前后觀點沒有任何轉折連詞,所以前后句應該一脈相承。前文中the drive is deeply rooted in human,指的是人類根深蒂固的本性,而且后文也說到curiosity is a good instinct(本能),探索的動力在人類中根深蒂固,與食物或避難所的基本動力相當。因此此處應該選food。A選項 pay 支付﹔B選項 marriage 婚姻﹔C選項schooling 學習教育,皆不符合文意。
12、【答案】[A] lead to
【解析】此處考察成分搭配。原文表達:好奇心通常被認為是一種很好的本能——它會________新的科學進步,此處選擇A選項lead to 符合文意。B選項 rest on 取決於﹔C選項learn from向…學習﹔D選項 begin with 以…開始,皆不符合文意。
13、【答案】[C] inquiry
【解析】此處考察反義復現。原文表達:but sometimes such _________can backfire. but一詞的出現就說明前后兩句話是轉折句義,前文說好奇心會帶來新的科學進步﹔后文的一個指示代詞such一出現,就証明和前句的主語是一致的,在此隻能選擇curiosity 的近義詞,為C inquiry。A 選項 withdrawal 撤回﹔B選項 persistence 堅持﹔ D選項 diligence 勤奮,皆不符合文意。
14、【答案】[B] self-destructive
【解析】此處考察成分搭配。The insight that curiosity can drive you to do______ things is a profound one。因為前文有所提示,but sometimes such _________can backfire,有時候好奇心會適得其反,這句話也是對於上文的承接,因此這裡需要填入的是好奇心帶來的副作用的表達,因此選[B] self-destructive 自我毀滅的。A 選項 self-reliant自力更生的﹔C選項 self-evident 顯而易見的﹔D選項self-deceptive自欺欺人的,皆不符合文意。
15、【答案】[B] resist
【解析】此處考察同義復現。Unhealthy curiosity is possible to __________, however. 這句話之后出現了論據,用以支撐前文的論點:In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to predict how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to choose to see such an image,在最后的實驗中,那些積極預測自己目睹不太悅目圖片感受的受試者,他們選擇此類圖片的可能性較小。此處picture were less likely to choose to see such an image=resist,是對於本段論點句的同義復現,因為選擇B 選項resist。A 選項define定義﹔C選項replace 替代﹔D選項trace追蹤,皆不符合文意。
【解析】此處考察句間邏輯關系,屬於句子內部的顯性線索。本段首句是本段的中心:然而,抵制病態的好奇心理是並非不可能。所以可以預測出這一段會圍繞抵制病態的好奇心會有什麼好的影響。In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image.16題所在句子是participants的后置定語,用來修飾受測者,他們積極地去如何,與后面定語從句中目睹不太愉悅的照片后他們將(would)會有什麼樣的感覺,可以得出是提前想象出來的,故選擇B predict,預測。
【解析】此處考察句間邏輯關系,屬於句子內部的顯性線索。此題所在句子結構化簡后是participants were less likely to 17 to see such an image.這裡面的such image指的是上面提到的an unpleasant picture,所以既然已經知道圖片會帶來不愉悅的感覺,就不可能去選擇了,故選擇C ,choose選擇。
18、【答案】[D] outcome
【解析】 此處考察句間邏輯關系,屬於句子內部的顯性線索。These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor. 18題所在位置是the 18 of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time此短語是imagining同位語,用來解釋imagining:為利用好奇心可提前想象的結果。所以此題選擇是的imagining的同義詞。
19、【答案】[B] whether
【解析】此處考察句間的邏輯關系。imagining can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor.這種結果可以幫助人們決定它們。。。值得一試。根據句間邏輯關系,這些研究結果表明,利用好奇心可提前想象事件的結果,從而幫助人們決定它們是否值得一試。故B whether為正確選項。
20、【答案】[A] consequences
【解析】此處考察詞義辨析。“Thinking about long-term 20 is key to mitigating the possible negative effects of curiosity,” 思考長期.。。。才是減輕好奇心負面消極影響的關鍵所在。負面消極影響是好奇心帶來的,所以要考慮這種長期的影響,B選項investment投資 C選項strategies 策略D選項limitations限制,都不符合語境,故A選項為正確選項。
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Text 1
21、【答案】[A] practical ability
【解析】根據題干可知這是一道典型的例証題。根據題干關鍵詞“a broken bike chain”定位到第二段第二句,向前找其論點句 “He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and mechanical memorization, but practical. 由該句可知,在他(Mr. Koziaek)任教的這個學校裡,學習不是書本、測試和機械記憶這些事情,而是實踐。所以舉“a broken bike chain”的例子是說明學生們缺乏實踐能力,選A選項 practical ability。
22、【答案】[C] are not academically successful
11. 【解析】根據題干可以定位到第四段,相關語句為“that it’s for kids who can’t make it academically,” he says. 其中,“can’t make it academically”就是對應答案C中的“are not academically successful”, 因此,正確答案為C 選項are not academically successful。
23、【答案】[B] used to have more job opportunities
【解析】根據題干要求定位到第五段,解決本題的關鍵是對第三句話“The job security that the US economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated.”的理解,尤其需要注意本句的時態,定語從句“that the US economy once offered to high school graduates”是過去時態,表明“美國經濟曾經為高中畢業生提供了工作保障”,而主句“The job security has largely evaporated”卻是現在完成時,意為“這種工作保障在很大程度上已經蒸發了”,說明曾經的工作機會現在已經不再擁有了,故而[B]選項是正確選項。
24、【答案】[D] indicates the overvaluing of higher education
【解析】根據題干關鍵詞“headlong push”以及“bachelor’s degree”直接定位到文章第六段第一句話。根據第一句話“But the headlong push into bachelor’s degree for all—and the subtle devaluing of anything less—misses an important point: That’s not the only thing the American economy needs”(大力推動學士學位—以及低估其他任何方面—使得人們忽略了非常重要的一點:這並不是美國經濟所唯一需要的),可初步確定正確選項為D“indicates the overvaluing of higher education”(高估了高等教育)。另外,第二句先是認可了這種做法的好處:“Yes, a bachelor degree opens more doors”(學士學位為本科生打開了更多扇門)。但是,第三行最后出現轉折詞But,說明后面內容一定是負面情感取向,是“bachelor degree”沒能解決的問題,因此,D選項為正確答案。
25、【答案】[A] supportive
【解析】本題考查作者的態度。一般最后一段凸顯作者的態度, 第一句話“Koziatek’s school is a wake-up call.”說明“Koziatek學校為我們敲響了警鐘”。第二句話“When education becomes one-size-fits-all, it risks overlooking a nation’s diversity of gifts”表明“當教育適合所有人的時候,它同樣也造成一種危險,即容易忽視國家的人才多元化。”同時我們也注意到第七段最后一句話說“… is to fill the gap.”(Koziatek學校正試圖填補這一空白), 說明作者的態度是支持性的,即supportive。因此,A選項是正確答案。
Text 2
26、【答案】[C] failing
【解析】詞匯釋義題。根據論點論據關系,二段最后一句話証明but之后的論點句。由第二段最后一句得知在過去8年中,solar panels (太陽電池板)和wind turbines (風輪機)成本分別下降了80%和約1/3,故可推知可再生能源的價格會下降,故C項failing正確。
27、【答案】[A] is progressing notably
【解析】邏輯推理題。根據題干應該定位到三段第三句話。本段第三句說“其他國家在清潔能源發展方面保持領先(takes the lead),美國也看到了顯著的變化”,also提示我們美國和其他國家的情況應該有相似之處。再結合后一句中的數據,可確定美國可再生能源的使用正穩步發展,A項正確。
28、【答案】[A] wind is a widely used energy source
29、【答案】[C] Its continuous supply is becoming a reality
【解析】雙段推理題。根據提干關鍵詞Paragraph 5&6定位到5、6段,雙段推理題應該優先考慮雙段主旨。第5段中心為關鍵信息詞but之后的內容。文中a boost in the storage capacity of batteries keeps power flowing around the clock對應選項中的its continuous supply; is becoming a reality對應文中is making their ability to....同樣,第6段可以驗証。6段中心為最后一句話Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now, this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years, 也說明這件事在未來可能成為現實。
30、【答案】[C] is not really encouraged by the US government
【解析】推理判斷題。根據提干關鍵詞the last paragraph定位到文中最后一段,最后一段關鍵信息詞while(盡管)引導的內容為重點信息:“盡管還有很長的路要走,這種趨勢勢不可擋”,故可以排除D: is not competitive enough with regard to its cost。而根據第二句“have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change” 故排除B: will accelerate global environmental change。文章最后一句“what Washington does—or doesn’t do—to promote alternative energy may mean less at a time of a global shift in thought.” “無論華盛頓行動還是不行動越來越不重要了”,可以推測出美國政府的態度,因此選C。
Text 3
31、【答案】[B] user information
【解析】細節題。題干問:根據第一段,臉譜收購WhatsApp 應用的目的是為了什麼,由此定位於文章第一段,本段第一句末說臉譜出巨資購買的應用是一種messaging service,就是信息服務,而緊接著本段最后一句話說明WhatsApp 應用提供的這種信息服務實際上是一種intricate and finely detailed web of its users’ friendships and social lives,復雜的和極其詳細的用戶朋友圈和社交生活的方面的信息。答案B正是這句話的同義改寫。
32、【答案】[C] pose a risk to Facebook users
【解析】細節題。根據題干中的關鍵詞Linking phone numbers to Facebook identities定位於文章第二段。本段中的第二句話指出“即使不知道具體的信息內容是什麼,知道了信息是誰發的和信息發給誰也有可能透露客戶隱私”。也就是說,綁定電話號碼和臉譜身份的做法極有可能泄露客戶隱私,增加客戶的個人信息風險。答案C正是這句話的概括。
33、【答案】[D] cannot keep pace with the changing market
【解析】細節題。根據題干回文定位到文章第三段,第三句話“it is very slow compared to the pace of change within the digital economy.”意為:對比數碼經濟中變化的速度,它是很緩慢的,cannot keep pace with 是選項中slow的同義替換,因此正確答案為選項D。
34、【答案】[D]the services are paid for by advertisers
【解析】因果細節題。根據題干回文定位到第三段第六句話,其中it is not obvious是題干can hardly protect的同義替換。后文中指出when the users of these services don’t pay for it, 表明這種情況發生的原因是這些服務的用戶沒有付款,而真正付款的是advertisers,因此正確答案為D。
35、【答案】[D] the relationship between digital giants and their users
【解析】觀點例証題。根據題干中的關鍵詞ants analogy回文定位到最后一段第二句話。而該例子論証的觀點是上一句話,即最后一段的首句,該句指出“他們(Google和Facebook)所銷售的商品是數據,而為了這些數據巨頭(像Google和Facebook這樣的數據信息企業)的利益,作為用戶的我們將生活轉向數據”,這句話揭示了用戶和數據巨頭之間的關系,通過數據聯系在一起。數據巨頭銷售數據,用戶生活中使用數據。因此正確答案為[D]選項,該例子論証了數據巨頭和用戶之間的關系。
Text 4
36、【答案】[A] keep to your focus time
【解析】這是一道細節題。注意題干的一一對應,選項進行等價替換。根據題干定位到第二段最后一句。The key is to(題干對應) determine your length of focus time and stick to it(剩余信息為答案). 對應選項 A. keep to(stick to)your focus time(your length of focus time)
37、【答案】[D] detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected
【解析】根據題干為細節題,考察的是實驗結論。The study in the early 1980s cited by Harford shows that, 根據1980s和Harford快速找到定位第四段第二句,那麼結論應該在后面,也就是第五段。第五段開頭第一句while為讓步,看主句部分they were wrong,冒號后面解釋說,the detailed daily plans demotivated students.對應D選項,其中的may not be as fruitful對應demotivated。
38、【答案】[D] an essential factor in accomplishing any work
【解析】這是一道細節題。根據提干中的關鍵詞,Newport和idleness,回文定位到第6段的Newport和第7段idleness,再結合第7段段末代詞he, 考查到代詞的指代問題,根據上下文確定此處的he指代Newport,確定第7段引號之內即為作者對於“idleness”的觀點,由第7段后半句 idleness is ,paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done得出正確答案為D. an essential factor in accomplishing any work,其中essential 是對原文necessary的同義替換,accomplishing any work是getting any work done的同義替換。
39、【答案】[B] can bring about greater efficiency
【解析】這是一道人物觀點題,根據提干中的關鍵詞,Pillay 回文定位到第8段,再進一步匹配題干中的剩余信息,our brains’ shift between being focused and unfocused定位至第8段段末處,our brains switch between being focused and unfocused,其中shift是switch的同義替換,由后半句 they tend to be more efficient得出正確答案為B. can bring about greater effcieny, 是對原文tend to be more efficient的同義替換。
40、【答案】[B] approaches to getting more done in less time
【解析】根據題干的特征,這是一道主旨題。文章開篇提出主題,關於“the ability to focus without distraction”, 第二段開頭說“a number of approaches”, 提出方法,第四段開頭another approach,所以這篇文章重點還是在說方法,所以B選項approaches to getting more done in less time為正確答案。more done in less time對應focus without distraction.
Part B
Part B
41、【答案】[A] (Just say it)
【解析】從下方段落中看到I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow. So keep it simple: “Hi”, “Hey” or “Hello”——do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can, put on a big smile and say “Hi”. 中我們不難發現重復的內容say “Hi”, 也相當於get that first word out, 共同表達的內容就是開口說,故A (Just say it開口說) 與之完美對應。
42、【答案】[G] (Ask for an opinion)
【解析】從下方段落中出現So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions. Trust me, you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask. 中我們不難發現重復的內容ask, 根據復現詞我們不難找到G (Ask for an opinion詢問看法),與其后的“how much people are willing to share”(人們非常願意分享)完美對應。
43、【答案】[E] (Find the “me too”s)
【解析】從下方對應段落When you meet a person for the first time, make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point…中我們找到關鍵詞have … in common有共同點。這與E (Find the “me too”s 尋找共同點)完美對應。
44、【答案】[B] (Be present)
【解析】從下方對應段落So when someone tries to communicate with you, just be in that communication wholeheartedly. 因此當有人跟你跟你聊天時,要全身心的投入到談話中,以及后面復現詞eye contact進行眼神交流,我們找到B (Be present,在現場,投入當前事件中)能夠與之對應。
45、【答案】[D] (Name, places, things)
【解析】從下方對應段落…but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name. Isn’t that awkward! …但是之后你可能再次見到時忘記了他們的名字。這不是很尷尬嗎?通過反義疑問我們得知:應該要記得名字!而且隨后So, remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with; perhaps the places they have been to, the places they want to go, the things they like, the things they hate.因此,請記得你遇到且與之聊過天的這些人的一些小細節,比如他們去過的地方,他們想要去的地方,他們喜歡的以及討厭的事物等等。從這些內容中我們不難找到與之對應的小標題D (Name, places, things)
Section III Translation
一名五年級的學生的家庭作業要求他從一系列的職業中選出他未來的職業道路。他選擇了“宇航員”,但很快又將“科學家”加入名單,也選了這一職業。這個男孩確信如果他讀的書足夠多,他就能想探索多少條職業道路,就探索多少條。因此他讀書——從百科全書讀到科幻小說。他如此狂熱地閱讀以致於他的父母不得不制定一條吃飯時“不能讀書”的規矩。這個男孩就是比爾·蓋茨,他從未停止過閱讀 – 即便在他成為全球最成功人士之后也如此。今天,比爾蓋茨的讀物已經不再是科幻小說和參考書目:最近,他表示自己每年至少閱讀50本非虛構讀物。蓋茨選擇讀非虛構類圖書,因為這些書解釋了世界是如何運作的。“每本書都開辟了探索新知識的道路。” 比爾蓋茨說。
句①:A fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations.
句②:He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well.
句③:The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes.【題目考點】賓語從句﹔條件狀語從句﹔比較結構
句④:And so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels.
句⑤:He reads so fervently that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy” at the dinner table.
句⑥:That boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading yet—not even after becoming one of the most successful people on the planet.
【句子結構】並列句主干分別為:that boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading …
【重點詞匯】planet 星球
【參考譯文】這個男孩就是比爾·蓋茨,他從未停止過閱讀 – 即便在他成為全球最成功人士之后也如此。
句⑦:Nowadays, his reading material has changed from sci-fi and reference books: recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year.
【句子結構】主干分別為:… material has changed from….﹔ he revealed …; he reads …50 …books…
【重點詞匯】sci-fi 科幻小說 reveal 揭露 nonfiction 非虛構
句⑧:Gates chooses nonfiction titles because they explain how the world works.
句⑨:“Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge to explore,” Gates says.
【參考譯文】“每本書都開辟了探索新知識的道路。” 比爾蓋茨說。
Section IV Writing
Dear Professor Smith,
How have you been recently? I am exceedingly sorry to tell you that although I have promised to visit you this Friday, I have to cancel my travel plan because of the following reason.
Two days ago, I suddenly accepted the notice that there would be an academic meeting this Friday night in our department and everyone was asked to attend. I know that my changing plan has definitely caused some inconvenience to you. I am so sorry for my failing to keep the promise of visiting you. Therefore, in order to make up this situation, I wonder if you could give me another chance and spare some time to meet me next Monday.
I am so sorry for any inconvenience caused by me. Hope you can accept my apology and arrange a new time for me to visit you. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Emerging from the clearly depicted pie chart is the distribution of focusing factors of citizens in a city when choosing a restaurant in 2017, consisting of 4 parts, which are features, service, environment, price and other factors. Among them, the proportion of service, environment, price and other factors is 26.8%, 23.8%, 8.4% and 4.7% respectively. By contrast, the factor of focusing on features of the restaurant is in the lead, accounting for 36.3%.
What has triggered this phenomenon? To begin with, with the fast development of national economy and personal wealth, people in China have stepped into an era of enjoying life, transforming traditional pattern of living. Therefore, such a great proportion of citizens are more likely to focus on the features of a restaurant, instead of only concentrating on the price. Moreover, in a society where living standard is highly advocated, citizens in mounting numbers in China, shrugging off their former habit of focusing on lower price, gradually find the service and environment of a restaurant is an essential factor. According to a survey conducted by China Research Center, up to 87% Chinese people prefer to choose a comfortable and fashionable restaurant when they go out for eating.
Taking into account what has been argued so far, I am inclined to think about the current situation is normal. In view of the analysis above, it can be predicted that the trend will continue in the future. Accordingly, it is of no necessity for the public to regard it with too much consideration.
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